Solushiens Partners with LeadStyle

+ This week we signed a partnership with an incredibly talented group of Leadership Coaches who have created a personalized application and methodology we will be deploying, as applicable, in our future coaching engagements. LeadStyle was founded by Lara Dolnik and...

What Leaders Need Most…Followers!

Is leadership truly effective without informed and committed followers? How successful can teams be without all members striving to work well together? It is interesting to note if you do an internet search for leadership books, you will find it very...

Temporary Blindness May Give Vision Clarity

I had lunch with a dear friend of mine who is a real-life astronaut! I try to drop that little nugget as often as possible (dear friend of mine… astronaut). Just kidding—kind of. During lunch, we talked about how we came to be in our current professional...

Pandemic Pivot – Entrepreneurship

“If I cease searching, then, woe is me, I am lost. That is how I look at it – keep going, keep going come what may.” ― Vincent van Gogh, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh Numerous companies we now consider household names arose out of recession, depression, or...