What Leaders Need Most…Followers!

Is leadership truly effective without informed and committed followers? How successful can teams be without all members striving to work well together? It is interesting to note if you do an internet search for leadership books, you will find it very...

How Do I Know What I Think?

I heard a quote credited to E.M. Forster stating, “how do I know what I think until I see what I say…” How do I know what I think, until I see what I say? This profound question sent me on a reflective journey this week unlike any I can remember. The question...

You Stink… Want the Job?

I love living in a time, in a country, and with a mindset of learning. Not everyone who has lived past the half-century mark embraces the magnificence of continual learning. Many opt for being good at what they know and focus on a future in which learning is no...