Management Consulting

is just the beginning

Solushiens services support C-Suite Executives with responsibility for corporate objectives related to profitability, return on human capital investments & management, strategy, talent management, change, diversity & inclusion, corporate culture, organization development, strategic plan execution, and more.


Pivot Planning

What if strategic planning was fast, clear, comprehensive, communicable, and executable with an investment of only a single team planning day?

Solushiens has developed a one-day strategic planning methodology designed to meet ever-changing strategic planning demands driven by market uncertainty. Pivot Planning can be done at your company’s enterprise, business unit, departmental, or team levels. 


Corporate Culture Assessment & Improvement

The Solushiens assessment methodology uses “charrette” style concepts to establish and maintain trust-based partnerships with internal and external stakeholders. The team is known as skilled listeners with high levels of emotional intelligence to understand the needs of people and adapt messages for greater impact, support, and commitment.

Change Management & Change Plan Execution

Our team has the ability to find help identify inefficiencies and overlapping efforts within an organization, system or project primed for change. We apply data informed approaches and fact-based strategies to solve problems and to lead continuous improvement and innovation.

Professional Dev.

Solushiens trainers bring an upbeat perspective to instruction, training, or coaching. Solushiens PD services are intended to support executive leaders who regards education and professional development as one of the essential elements of a well-lived personal and professional life and consider the same as paramount to corporate success. 

We Begin with a Firm Foundation

Solushiens uses intellection to spark plan innovation and to drive strategic performance. We make strategic planning fast, clear, comprehensive, communicable, and executable with an investment of only a single team planning day. We begin every engagement with the establishment of a Firm Foundation. 

Talent optimization

Solushiens possesses a noteworthy ability to develop mechanisms to attract, recruit, select, nurture, coach, develop, and effectively utilize the best talent.  Our team realizes strategic and operational objectives by developing and managing individuals to attain success and by helping each employee identify and achieve their full potential. We help companies move from good ideas to successful execution of practical plans. Services include design and development of human capital management systems for retention of high performing employees from recruit to retirement. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Access (DEI&A)

We believe that an organization that prioritizes diversity, equity, inclusion, and access creates an environment that respects and values individual differences along varying dimensions. Inclusive organizations foster cultures that minimize bias and recognize and address systemic inequities, which, if unaddressed, can create disadvantages for certain individuals. These efforts should be reflected in organizational mission, vision, and values; incorporated into strategic plans; and cascaded throughout the organization.


Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions (M & A) are notoriously stressful unless the process is completed with integrity and with appropriate speed and transparency. We learn what matters about each client’s current state and desired future state. Once our team has execution authority, and communication clarity, we engage our vast ecosystem of contacts, partners, and advisors to identify the right targets and to facilitate the right transactions. Our services include business evaluation, process facilitation, and deal closure. Solushiens is ready to help you secure your legacy by selling your enterprise or expand your organization’s reach through M & A.

Execution Planning

Solushiens consistently helps companies establish strategic clarity. Practical strategies support leadership’s ability to lead effectively and employee’s ability and willingness to follow well (Followship®). Execution excellence affords leadership the bandwidth to continually cast vision (where the company is going) and articulate mission (what the company does). Executive bandwidth affords company leadership the opportunity to create capacity for team members to reach their full potential. Companies with “professional space” (real responsibilities and real authority supported by the effective use of intellectual property) for employees to be great will maximize bottom-line returns.

Leadership & Followship® Training

Solushiens Advisors are uniquely equipped to initiate  serious discussions and confidently speak with board members,  executives, team members, newcomers, outsiders, or strangers. Our firm  has the proven ability to formulate important relationships resulting in  continual mission-oriented accomplishments and to improve professional  camaraderie. We believe it is important to focus on the development of  leadership skills in conjunction with effective ways to follow based on identified strengths and personality traits.


Scenario Planning

Solushiens scenario planning helps the companies we serve to plan for a wide range of crises. Our goal as risk management consultants is to help our clients to visualize themselves in the midst of unthinkable social, economic, political, and human health conditions. Once vision is established, we help them to develop strategies and plans for operation sustaining responses.  

Revenue streams, supply chains, human capital, work arrangements, safety protocols, communications and more have to be reconfigured quickly. When plans are completed, we help our partners begin to make improvements today in order to conduct better business now and to support the future capacity to thrive when faced with the scenarios we plan for. While the anticipation of devastating change is unlikely, being intentional about planning for most is simply a sound leadership practice.

Pivot your Strategy

Long gone are the days of spending days, weeks, or in some cases months developing convoluted multi year strategic plans. Legacy strategic plans lacked the clarity and flexibility required to execute effectively.

Progressive companies are implementing planning mechanisms with the nimbleness necessary to pivot in the face of both foreseen or unforeseen social, economic, or political changes and/or disruptions.

Pivot Planning will help you

Save time

“What an amazing experience.. focused and executable, just empowering! Thank you!”

Non Profit Service Center

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